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時尚裝可愛/高調配件 造型很搶戲

Oct 30, 4:00PM



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秋冬男表新品 粗獷味比MAN

Oct 29, 4:00PM



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鞏俐流蘇耳環好貴氣 卡蜜拉彩寶耀眼

Oct 27, 4:00PM



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Aug 12, 4:00PM


作品「醉心花」的設計師從寶石切磨雕刻到金屬鑲嵌都自己動手。圖/WALLACE CHEN提供

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香奈兒PREMIERE表 明星加持更迷人

Aug 10, 4:00PM



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銘記愛的時刻 嚴選鑽石建造浪漫

Aug 08, 4:00PM



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甜美My Melody飾品 昆凌、瑞莎創意搭

Aug 07, 4:00PM



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德國浪漫飾品 名媛Poppy代言

Aug 06, 4:00PM



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古典工藝遇上天地瑰寶 靈秀動人

Aug 05, 4:00PM



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俏皮、跳色 休閒鞋活潑一夏

Aug 03, 4:00PM



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